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The Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP)


The MSEIP Program at Alabama State University is designed to Increase Minority Access to NanoBiotechnology and Emerging Science and Technology in Alabama (IMANESTA). The Program seeks to integrate emerging science disciplines and bring valuable and exciting research and training opportunities to undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students and academically talented pre-college freshmen.

As a MSEIP Scholar, students will:

  • Participate in NanoBiotechnology and other Emerging Science “hands-on” research under the direct supervision of a STEM Faculty Mentor;
  • Gain exposure to Interdisciplinary scientific lecture seminars;
  • Receive professional development workshops, such as the responsible conduct of research, scientific writing and speaking, graduate and professional schools guidance, career opportunities in academia and industry, and the graduate school application process; and
  • Receive scholarship stipends along with travel funds, which will provide the opportunity to present research activities at national and international professional scientific meetings and conferences.

The educational and research concepts learned through MSEIP  aims to lead to successful increase in the number of well-prepared ASU STEM graduates who can compete successfully for entry in the nation’s top STEM graduate programs. The MESIP program will be administered as part of the Center for NanoBiotechnology Research (CNBR) along with a team of ASU faculty researchers.


Continuous application deadline. Applicants will be notified of their status at the beginning of each academic year.


  • Application (can be downloaded)
  • Brief explanation describing your interests, career goals, and why you should you be chosen for this for this research training scholarship.
  • Two letters of recommendation from STEM faculty.


Application package should be submitted to Yvonne Williams - Life Science Building, Room 306 or LaShaundria Lucas - Life Science Building, Room 304.

To download the flyer now click here.





Download the Program Application Click here to Download Application

Contact Us

The Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) 

Alabama State University
Life Sciences Bldg., Rm. 305
915 S. Jackson Street
Montgomery, AL 36104


Dr. Komal Vig Dr. Komal Vig (PI)